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Brazilian National High School Evaluation (ENEM) and the AWL theory

Brazilian National High School Evaluation (ENEM) and the AWL theory

von Marlon Machado Oliveira Rio
Softcover - 9786202005524
49,90 €
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This book aims to analyze the English language questions in ENEM by using the Argumentation Within Language (AWL) theory made by Oswald Ducrot and collaborators. It is aimed at proposing a reading concept under the AWL theoretical background and investigating in which way this theory may display the meanings in discourse to help in the aforementioned exam questions comprehension. As this national exam has received careful attention in the last couple of years, once it is one which demands from its candidates the comprehension of key-texts, being the ones which are oftentimes enough for helping choose the most suitable answer, it is believed that the analysis of the ENEM English questions opens a considerably huge window of opportunity for study, once the discourse made by the key-texts of the questions leads the candidate to choose only one alternative, which corresponds to the discourse produced in the key text, being the other ones from the other alternatives not authorized. The AWL theory is an argumentative semantics theory and analyzes the meaning of utterances in the linguistic level by using semantic blocks, which will be altogether thoroughly explained in this book.

How argumentative semantics may benefit on the comprehension of the English language exam questions


Verlag LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Ersterscheinung Juli 2017
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 0.6 cm
Gewicht 161 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9786202005524
Seiten 96