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Source: Wikipedia. Pages: 86. Chapters: Skittles, Ten-pin bowling, PBA Tour, Candlepin bowling, Pinsetter, Five-pin bowling, Bowling ball, Nine-pin bowling, American Machine and Foundry, Bowling form, Perfect game, Asbury Lanes, Professional Bowlers Association, Bowlmor Lanes, Holler House, Split, The Fireside Bowl, Duckpin bowling, PBA Bowling Tour: 2006¿07 season, Bowling Alone, AMF Bowling Center, Trick bowling, Bolas criollas, National Bowling Stadium, International Bowling Hall of Fame, PBA Bowling Tour: 2005¿06 season, Strike, Hook, Gorodki, Turkey bowling, Nebraska Cornhuskers bowling, Automatic scorer, Bowling Writers Association of America Bowler of the Year, Lucky Strike Lanes, Sammy White's Brighton Bowl, Best Bowler ESPY Award, PBA Regional Tour, Garden Bowl, 900 series, Chameleon oil pattern, Ice bowling, Bowling Museum of Asturias, Kegel LLC, Shark oil pattern, Strike-a-Thon, HoeBowl, Sport bowling, Spare, Thomas F. Ryan, Eddie Elias, Bowling pin, Megabowl, Dutch 200, Lofting, Borella, Vulcan Corporation, International Bowling Museum, Bowling Digital, Bowling shirt, Bryant-Lake Bowl, Frames Per Stop, Open frame, Nine pin tap. Excerpt: Ten-pin bowling (commonly just "bowling" in the United States) is a competitive sport in which a player (the "bowler") rolls a bowling ball down a wooden or synthetic (polyurethane) lane with the objective of scoring points by knocking down as many pins as possible. The 39-inch-wide (99 cm) 60-foot-long (18 m) lane is bordered along its length by semicylindrical channels (commonly called "gutters") which are designed to collect errant balls. The narrow lane prevents bowling a straight line at the angle required to consistently carry (knock down) all ten pins for a strike. Most skillful bowlers will roll a side spinning (hook shape reaction) ball to overcome this. There is a foul line at the end of the lane nearest to the bowler: if any part of a bowler's body touches the lane side of this line after the ball is delivered, it is called a foul and any pins knocked over by that delivery are scored as two (0). (The bowler is allowed a shot at a new rack of ten pins if he fouled on the first roll of a frame.) Behind the foul line is an "approach" approximately 15 feet (5 m) long used to gain speed and leverage on the ball before delivering it. 60 feet (18 m) from the foul line, where the lane terminates, it is joined to a roughly 36-inch (91 cm) deep by 41.5-inch (105 cm) wide surface of durable and impact-resistant material called the "pin deck", where each rack of pins is set. The bowler is allowed ten frames in which to knock down pins, with frames one (1) through nine (9) being composed of up to two rolls. The tenth frame may be composed of up to three rolls: the bonus roll(s) following a strike or spare in the tenth (sometimes referred to as the eleventh and twelfth frames) are fill ball(s) used only to calculate the score of the mark rolled in the tenth. Bowling has a unique scoring system which keeps track not only of the current score but also strikes and spares, which give multiple marks. Effectively, there are three kinds of marks given in a score; a strike (al
Skittles, Ten-pin bowling, PBA Tour, Candlepin bowling, Pinsetter, Five-pin bowling, Bowling ball, Nine-pin bowling, American Machine and Foundry, Bowling form, Perfect game, Asbury Lanes, Professional Bowlers Association, Bowlmor Lanes
Verlag | Books LLC, Reference Series |
Ersterscheinung | August 2017 |
Maße | 24.6 cm x 18.9 cm x 0.6 cm |
Gewicht | 186 Gramm |
Format | Softcover |
ISBN-13 | 9781156824337 |
Seiten | 86 |