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Blueprint of a Takeover

Blueprint of a Takeover

von Judith Geiß
übersetzt von Diana Bading und Peter Winslow
Hardcover - 9783986411565
44,90 €
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  • Hinweis: Dieser Artikel erscheint im Oktober 2024. - Jetzt vorbestellen.
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About Blueprint of a Takeover

German Mittelstand companies are coveted acquisition targets of American companies. And a sale can have serious ramifications for German companies. This book lays out a systematic approach designed to help you master, and to gain your employees support for and during, the post-merger integration process. This tried and tested approach is predicated on nine elements, ranging from the initial assessment to new routines. It addresses core issues such as accounting, SOX, and the unspoken rules of working with Americans. Numerous real-word examples and tips help readers navigate their new day-to-day reality post takeover. This book lays out ways new American parent companies can prepare their takeovers and shows how post-merger integration can succeed on both sides of the pond.

Key takeaways

  • Why German companies are so attractive to American companies.
  • The major fears and obstacles post acquisition.
  • The blueprint of a takeover and its secret to success.
  • Post-merger integration as a change process.
  • What will guarantee your takeover’s failure and what you should do instead.

American Buyers, German Targets, and Post-Merger Integration

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Verlag Mentoren-Media-Verlag
Ersterscheinung Oktober 2024
Maße 21 cm x 14.8 cm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9783986411565
Auflage 1. Auflage
Seiten 236