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Beyond Deep Blue

Beyond Deep Blue

von Monty Newborn
Softcover - 9781447160731
50,28 €
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More than a decade has passed since IBM’s Deep Blue computer stunned the world by defeating Garry Kasparov, the world chess champion at that time. Beyond Deep Blue tells the continuing story of the chess engine and its steady improvement. The book provides analysis of the games alongside a detailed examination of the remarkable technological progress made by the engines – asking which one is best, how good is it, and how much better can it get. Features: presents a total of 118 games, played by 17 different chess engines, collected together for the first time in a single reference; details the processor speeds, memory sizes, and the number of processors used by each chess engine; includes games from 10 World Computer Chess Championships, and three computer chess tournaments of the Internet Chess Club; covers the man-machine matches between Fritz and Kramnik, and Kasparov and Deep Junior; describes three historical matches between leading engines – Hydra vs. Shredder, Junior vs. Fritz, and Zappa vs. Rybka.

Chess in the Stratosphere


Verlag Springer London
Ersterscheinung September 2014
Maße 23.5 cm x 15.5 cm
Gewicht 458 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9781447160731
Auflage 2011
Seiten 287