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von Jesús Enrique Gonzalez Carrillo
Softcover - 9786204551227
43,90 €
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Barrunto is a small approximation in trying to reveal the human condition. It is an insignificant foreshadowing of the reality that surrounds our being. It is to approach to feel and try to see our reality, being submerged in a duality, which is debated between the existing and the existent. There are contributions of the work "Triandáfila", by Dr. José Manuel Briceño Guerrero, because it was through reading it that I began to think and to thread the idea of Barrunto as a book. Barrunto does not try to be interpreted by the reader, it is rather a help for the reader to interpret his life and the mystery of existence.

Beyond philosophy, but close, very close to the human condition


Verlag Our Knowledge Publishing
Ersterscheinung März 2022
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 0.4 cm
Gewicht 113 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9786204551227
Seiten 64
