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Assessment of Outreach Performance of Micro Finance Institution

Assessment of Outreach Performance of Micro Finance Institution

von Sirika Bekele Terfassa
Softcover - 9786202093767
35,90 €
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Microfinance has obtained a universal avowal as an important tool for poverty alleviation in many developing countries. Outreach and sustainability are the two main performance dimensions of MFIs, which could be difficult to balance; outreach which is a social objective of MFIs could have repercussions on sustainability, which is financial objective. This work was conducted to meet the designed three objectives. To meet the designed objectives the researcher collected data through data collection tools which was mainly questionnaires. To determine the sample size, the researcher used Cochran formula to select respondents out of total beneficiaries under the identified MFIs. Using these formula 100 respondents had been selected from 6000 total beneficiaries. Multiple regressions had been used to analyze the collected data. Training people about the new ideas and concept means enabling them to access the invention without any problems. Micro finance institution should support the adoption of different technologies by providing training.


Verlag LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Ersterscheinung Dezember 2017
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 0.5 cm
Gewicht 131 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9786202093767
Seiten 76
