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Applied Hydrogeology of Fractured Rocks

von B.B.S. Singhal † und R. P. Gupta
Hardcover - 9789048187980
90,94 €
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Softcover - 9789400790193
90,94 €

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Softcover - 9789400790193
90,94 €


Hydrogeology is a topical and growing subject as the earth's water resources become scarcer and more vulnerable. More than half of the surface area of continents is covered with hard rocks of low permiability.

This book deals comprehensively with the fundamental principles for understanding the hydrogeological characteristics of rocks, as well as exploration techniques and assessment. It also provides in depth discussion on structural mapping, remote sensing, geophysical exploration, GIS, groundwater flow modelling and contaminant transport, field hydraulic testing including tracer tests, groundwater quality, geothermal reservoirs, managed aquifer recharge, and resources assessment and management.

Hydrogeological aspects of various lithology groups, including crystalline rocks, volcanic rocks, carbonate rocks and clastic formations have been dealt with separately, using and discussing examples from all over the world. It will be an invaluable text book cum reference source for postgraduate students, researchers, exploration scientists and engineers engaged in the field of groundwater development in fractured rocks.

Applied Hydrogeology of Fractured Rocks - Second Edition is thoroughly revised and extended with a new chapter, updated sections, many new examples, and expanded and updated references.

Second Edition

Second Edition


Verlag Springer Netherland
Ersterscheinung September 2010
Maße 27 cm x 21 cm
Gewicht 1215 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9789048187980
Auflage 2nd ed. 2010
Seiten 408