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Apollodoros "Against Neaira" [D 59]

Apollodoros "Against Neaira" [D 59]

von Konstantinos A. Kapparis
Hardcover - 9783110163902
219,00 €
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This volume contains an introduction, new edition of the Greek text, English translation, and detailed linguistic and historical commentary of Apollodoros’ speech “Against Neaira” (4th century BC). The introduction provides a comprehensive account of the historical and legal background, authorship, style, technique, manuscripts and textual tradition of the speech, and a radically new interpretation of the case against Neaira. The edition of the Greek text is based on independent collations of manuscripts written before the 14th century, bringing a new sensitivity to the stylistic preferences of Apollodoros. The commentary contains discussions on textual points, grammar, syntax, vocabulary, style and technique, while the historical notes illustrate the constitutional, legal, social and political background of the speech. The book is of the highest interest to scholars and students of the Attic Orators, Athenian society, daily life, women and gender relations, law, constitution, institutions, religion and culture.

Ed. with Introduction, Translation and Commentary by Konstantinos A. Kapparis


Verlag De Gruyter
Ersterscheinung Mai 1999
Maße 23 cm x 15.5 cm
Gewicht 847 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9783110163902
Auflage Reprint 2012
Seiten 458