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Aphorismen and Zitate

Aphorismen and Zitate

von Dietmar Dressel
Hardcover - 9783751993289
19,99 €
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To be self-critical, I mean that many quotes and wisdoms aim to reflect on one's own and self-exemplified behavior. An aphoristic, catchy phrase should possibly stimulate one's own ability to reflect. What is so important in life? What really counts for the individual person? These questions are often important. The following quotes and wisdoms can all be found in my seventy-six published novels.

English und Deutsch


Verlag BoD – Books on Demand
Ersterscheinung September 2020
Maße 22.1 cm x 14 cm x 1 cm
Gewicht 280 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9783751993289
Seiten 72