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Antiretroviral Therapy & Generating Income

Antiretroviral Therapy & Generating Income

von Sirika Bekele Terfassa
Softcover - 9786202196574
35,90 €
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New infections among women are increasing at a faster rate than new infections among men. In sub-Saharan Africa HIV positive women outnumber HIV positive men. Many women, especially in rural sub-Saharan Africa, define poverty as their prime concern above all others, including the risk or reality of HIV. The number of people living with HIV has now reached almost 40 million. HIV positive women are working in different civil services centers, which provides opportunities to earn a living. The results have showed that most of the HIV positive individuals have no better asset type from their house. Therefore, the women should not be discouraged since they do not have materials and they should be courageous since they will have it if they give more attention for their business. Antiretroviral drug treatment guidelines have changed over time. Prior to 1987, no antiretroviral drugs were available and treatment consisted of treating complications from the immunodeficiency. After antiretroviral medications were introduced, most clinicians agreed that HIV positive patients should participate in social life without a feeling of living with the stigma.

Attitude of HIV +VE Women


Verlag LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Ersterscheinung Dezember 2017
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 0.6 cm
Gewicht 143 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9786202196574
Seiten 84
