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Adsorption for Wastewater Treatment - Some Experimental Studies

Adsorption for Wastewater Treatment - Some Experimental Studies

von Sunil Kulkarni
Softcover - 9786202093392
49,90 €
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This book intends to underline importance of adsorption by Low cost materials for wastewater treatment. First two chapters are introduction and literature review. Various research papers and their findings are discussed in detail. Third chapter deals with distillery wastewater treatment by using flyash adsorbent. In 4th chapter, the dissolved oxygen variations from various downstream distances from the point of discharge of a flowing stream are reported analytically and experimentally. Fifth chapter deals with the domestic wastewater treatment for reduction of organic matter. The affordable and effective treatment of wastewater is critical issue for the developing countries. In the seventh chapter, work aimed at minimizing the pollution parameters like colour, COD, BOD using coconut coir activated carbon in batch and column operation is discussed. 8th chapter presents removal of phenol from synthetic effluent using batch adsorption with leaf litter as new adsorbent. In 9th chapter, research on bagasse fly ash as an adsorbent for removal of various pollutants like organic matter, phenol, chromium and acetic acid is discussed. Last chapter deals with chromium removal by adsorption.

Treatments for removal of organic matter, phenol, chromium and acetic acid from wastewater


Verlag LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Ersterscheinung Dezember 2017
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 0.6 cm
Gewicht 149 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9786202093392
Seiten 88