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Abdominal Imaging. Computational and Clinical Applications

Abdominal Imaging. Computational and Clinical Applications

Softcover - 9783642410826
53,49 €
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This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th International Workshop CCAA 2013, held in conjunction with MICCAI 2013, in Nagoya, Japan, in September 2013. The book includes 32 papers which were carefully reviewed and selected from 38 submissions. The topics covered are abdominal atlases, shape analysis and morphology in abdominal structures and organs, detection of anatomical and functional landmarks, dynamic, functional, physiologic, and anatomical abdominal imaging, registration methods for abdominal intra- and inter-patient variability, augmented reality techniques for intervention, clinical applications in radio-frequency ablation, open surgery, and minimally invasive surgery.

5th International Workshop, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2013, Nagoya, Japan, September 22, 2013, Proceedings


Verlag Springer Berlin
Ersterscheinung September 2013
Maße 23.5 cm x 15.5 cm
Gewicht 482 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9783642410826
Auflage 2013
Seiten 300