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International Bibliography of Historical Sciences / 1996

International Bibliography of Historical Sciences / 1996

Hardcover - 9783598204203
219,00 €
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Annually published since 1930, the International bibliography of Historical Sciences (IBOHS) is an international bibliography of the most important historical monographs and periodical articles published throughout the world, which deal with history from the earliest to the most recent times. The works are arranged systematically according to period, region or historical discipline, andwithin this classificationalphabetically. The bibliography contains a geographical index and indexes of persons and authors.


Verlag De Gruyter Saur
Ersterscheinung Mai 2001
Maße 23 cm x 15.5 cm
Gewicht 795 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9783598204203
Auflage Reprint 2013
Seiten 415
