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10th Advances in Reliability Technology Symposium

10th Advances in Reliability Technology Symposium

Softcover - 9789401071031
53,49 €
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Industrial Problems and Solutions ¿ Within a Reliability Context: Keynote Paper.- The Importance of Reliability in Health and Safety.- Data Collection and Analysis.- Expert Opinion in Probabilistic Safety Assessment.- A Method for Identification and Tracing of Potential Incident Causes in Process Industry.- The Compatibility of Reliability Models with the Underlying Data Structure.- An Electronic Component Reliability Database.- Mechanical Reliability.- The Reliability Assessment of Offshore Structures Under the Influence of Fatigue Crack Growth.- Statistical Approaches to Fatigue Crack Growth Models.- Predicting Pipeline Reliability Using Discriminant Analysis.- Aspects of Mechanical System Reliability.- Human Factors.- Human Factors Analysis of Automation Requirements ¿ A Methodology for Allocating Functions.- Minimising the Cause of Human Error.- Achieving Consistency in the Use of Human Factors Analytic Methods for Reliability Assessment.- System Simulation.- Interval and Bayesian Availability Modelling.- Monte Carlo Simulation Applied to Power System Reliability Evaluation.- Fault Tree Uncertainty Analysis Using a Monte Carlo Method.- System Availability.- System Availability Synthesis.- A Software System for ARMCO Simulation of Conceptual Plant.- Power Generation Systems Availability Maintainability Assessment.- Software Reliability.- Static Analysis ¿ A Technique for Software Verification.- Notes on the Security of Programming Languages.- Software ¿ Correct Beyond Reasonable Doubt.- Comparative Reliability of Some Common Design and Specification Methods.- Environmental Effects on Equipment Reliability.- A Framework for Dependent Failure Analysis.- Assessing Environmental Effects.- The Hardness of Semiconductor Devices Exposed to Simulated Electromagnetic Pulses.- Risk Assessment.- The Use of Possibility Concepts in Fuzzy Logic Reliability Applications.- Probabilistic Risk Assessment Associated with Fire Spred in Segregated Structures.- A Trigger-Coupling Mechanism Model for Dependent Failures.- Reliability Management and Design.- Benefits of Reliability and Quality Assurance Programmes in UK Manufacturing.- The Taguchi Approach to Designing for Reliability.- Overhaul Cost Escalation Due to Mechanical Wear Out.- Poster Session.- Calculation of Reliability Characteristics in the Case of Corrosion Using the RCP-based Approach.- A Modified GO Methodology for System Availability Assessment.- Geometric Transform Method for Numerical Evaluation of Instantaneous Availability.- Hazard Rates and Generalised Beta Distributions.


Verlag Springer Netherland
Ersterscheinung Oktober 2011
Maße 22.9 cm x 15.2 cm
Gewicht 583 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9789401071031
Auflage Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1988
Seiten 386