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Western Expansion and Indigenous Peoples

Western Expansion and Indigenous Peoples

Hardcover - 9789027975102
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Frontmatter -- Introduction / SEVILLA-CASAS, ELIAS -- SECTION ONE: General Theoretical Considerations -- Notes on Las Casas Ideological and Political Practice / SEVILLA-CASAS, ELIAS -- Alternatives to Ethnocide: Human Zoos, Living Museums, and Real People / BODLEY, JOHN H. -- The Right of the Third World to Develop in Its Own Way and Remarks on the Idea of "Change" / BINDER, TEODORO -- SECTION TWO: The Colonial Past in Spanish America -- The Gridiron Plan and the Caste System in Colonial Central America / MARKMAN, S. D. -- The Persistence of the Baroque in Peru and Mexico / KELSEY, GLADYS H. -- Ecuador: The Indigenous Tribute System as a Mechanism of Exploitation During the Colonial Period and the First Years of Independence / JÁCOME, NICANOR / LLUMIQUINGA, INÉS -- Danish Colonialism in the West Indies: A Case of Transculturation Failure / POPE, POLLY -- SECTION THREE: The Latin American Present -- Agrarian Reform in Chile and Its Impact on Araucanian Indian Communities / BERDICHEWSKY, BERNADO -- Jungle Quechua Ethnicity: An Ecuadorian Case Study / WHITTEN, NORMAN E. -- Jívaro Head Hunters in a Headless Time / SIVERTS, HENNING -- The Fiesta of the Indian in Quibdó, Colombia / FRIEDEMANN, NINA S. DE -- Crosses and Souls / IWAŃSKA, ALICJA -- Chinantec Messianism: The Mediator of the Divine / BARABAS, ALICIA MABEL -- The Role of Peasant Organizations in the Struggle Against Multinational Corporations: The Cuban Case / HUIZER, GERRIT -- The Cultural Dependency of Rural Communities and Peasant Guerrillas in Latin America / KOWALEWSKI, ZBIGNIEW MARCIN -- Biographical Notes -- Index of Names -- Index of Subjects

The Heritage of Las Casas


Verlag de Gruyter Mouton
Ersterscheinung Januar 1977
Maße 23 cm x 15.5 cm
Gewicht 693 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9789027975102
Auflage Reprint 2011
Seiten 307
