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The Role Of Music in Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill

The Role Of Music in Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill

von Simone Voit
Softcover - 9783639474459
29,95 €
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Marshall McLuhan argues that "the content of any medium is always another medium". In this work film music is regarded as a medium that is part of the medium film. The music used in Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill is recycled and put into a new context, thus creating new meaning. The pre-existent soundtracks and pop songs already carry with them an outer cinematic context that then influences the reuse of them. Remediation, as David Jay Bolter has coined the term, also takes place on the relationship level of music and film.

- Remediated Music and its Consequences


Verlag AV Akademikerverlag
Ersterscheinung August 2013
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 0.5 cm
Gewicht 119 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9783639474459
Seiten 68
