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The Best Chest in the West - LA PLUS BELLE POITRINE DE L¿OUEST !

The Best Chest in the West - LA PLUS BELLE POITRINE DE L¿OUEST !

von Gustáv Murín
Softcover - 9786202489492
19,90 €
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  • Lieferzeit nach Versand: ca. 1-2 Tage
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This collection of travel stories from countries like Belarus, India, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, Spain and USA is presenting, in chapters, MYSTERY OF TRAVELING, convincing us that ON THE OTHER HAND, ALSO ADVENTURES HAVE THEIR BORDERS, showing us HOW WE MAKE DISTANCES SHORTER, to finally realize HOW SMALL IS OUR WORLD AFTER ALL. Most importantly, stories are in English and French too, helping not only to understand this world from human view, but also to read in two most useful languages for travelling. Illustrations by famous Slovak cartoonist, Marian Vanek, are making this book pleasurable.

Collection of travel stories - Recueil de récits de voyage


Verlag JustFiction Edition
Ersterscheinung Januar 2018
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 0.7 cm
Gewicht 185 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9786202489492
Seiten 112
