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Strangers and Pilgrims

Strangers and Pilgrims

von Douglas R. Mcgaughey
Hardcover - 9783110154931
154,95 €
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Frontmatter -- Introduction -- PART I: THE CONTEXT OF POST-METAPHYSICAL THEOLOGY -- 1. What is Theology? -- 2. Theology and Aporiai -- 3. After Heidegger and Derrida -- 4. David Tracy: Theology as Correlation -- 5. On George Lindbeck's Cultural-Linguistic Theological Model -- 6. Theology as Inquiry into Paradox: Strangers and Pilgrims -- PART II: ON THE ROLE OF APORIAI IN THEOLOGY -- 7. The Aporia of Spirit and Matter -- 8. The Aporia of Logic and Praxis -- 9. The Aporiai of Language -- 10. The Aporiai of Truth -- 11. The Aporiai of Temporality -- 12. The Aporia of Self and Other -- 13. Conclusion: Faith in a Post-Metaphysical Context -- Appendix: Division of the Task of Theology -- Works Cited -- Index -- Backmatter

On the Role of Aporiai in Theology


Verlag De Gruyter
Ersterscheinung Mai 1997
Maße 23 cm x 15.5 cm
Gewicht 1060 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9783110154931
Auflage Reprint 2010
Seiten 537