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Sociolinguistic analysis of Mexican-American bilingualism: Spanglish as a sociocultural phenomenon

Sociolinguistic analysis of Mexican-American bilingualism: Spanglish as a sociocultural phenomenon

von Judyta Pawliszko
Hardcover - 9783631806654
59,35 €
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The main purpose of the book is to describe the two linguistic-cultural phenomena arising from mass emigration of Mexicans to Los Angeles: Spanish-English bilingualism and Spanglish. The main thesis of the research is the correlation between Spanish-English bilingualism and Spanglish. As public opinion deemed Spanglish as a blocker for linguistic advancement or degraded Spanish, it is actually a method of enhancing the linguistic system. That is why, not only does the research contest the use of such terms, but it also argues that bilingualism is a much more compound and adequate term as well as an analytic framework for the study of bilingual productions. Spanglish should be understood as a form of bilingualism, a hybrid enriching the linguistic system.


Verlag Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
Ersterscheinung Januar 2020
Maße 21 cm x 14.8 cm
Gewicht 436 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9783631806654
Seiten 282