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Role of Cooperatives in Empowering the Rural Women:

Role of Cooperatives in Empowering the Rural Women:

von Taybela Shanko Sababo
Softcover - 9786202071963
61,90 €
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This book will serve as reference for those who interested to conduct their study in empowerment of rural women. Since women make up the majority of the worlds poor, meeting poverty reduction goals requires addressing women and their socio-economic empowerment. Women empowerment, as a policy approach, uses different mechanisms to empower women; out of which organizing women into cooperatives is attracting the attention of many organizations. Thus a study was conducted to assess the role of rural primary Saving and Credit Cooperative on women¿s Empowerment in GenaBossa, SNNPR, Ethiopia. The methodology used was two stage simple random sampling techniques in which 160 cooperative member women respondents were drawn. In addition, FGDs, key informant interviews and secondary data were also used to collect the necessary information. Data analysis was done by using descriptive statistics such as frequency mean and percentage.

the case of Shusha, Ethiopia


Verlag LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Ersterscheinung August 2019
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 0.9 cm
Gewicht 233 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9786202071963
Seiten 144