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Prepare the Way of the Lord

Prepare the Way of the Lord

von Theresa Reyna
Hardcover - 9781449788469
33,00 €
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There is a revolutionary move of the Spirit on the horizon. A "John the Baptist" company of His forerunners is coming forth out of the wilderness with a fiery message of repentance and restoration that will awaken a slumbering, lukewarm church and prepare her for the dark days ahead and for the second coming of Jesus. The spiritual truths and prophetic words in this book will awaken a passion in your heart for holiness and release revelatory understanding concerning the hour in which we live.

Making the Crooked Places Straight


Verlag Westbow Press
Ersterscheinung März 2013
Maße 23.5 cm x 15.7 cm x 1.8 cm
Gewicht 520 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9781449788469
Seiten 222