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Philosophy of Painting by Shih-T'ao

Philosophy of Painting by Shih-T'ao

von Earle J. Coleman
Hardcover - 9789027977564
109,95 €
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Frontmatter -- Preface -- Introduction -- A Biographical Sketch -- A Note on the Chinese Scripts -- A Discussion of Previous English Translations -- The Uninterrupted Translation -- Final Remarks -- Bibliography

A Translation and Exposition of his Hua-P'u (Treatise on the Philosophy of Painting)


Verlag de Gruyter Mouton
Ersterscheinung Juli 1978
Maße 23 cm x 15.5 cm
Gewicht 304 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9789027977564
Auflage Reprint 2011
Seiten 147