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Little Mr Jaromir

Little Mr Jaromir

von Jens Rassmus, Martin Chalmers und Martin Ebbertz
Buch - 9783941725348
7,99 €
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  • Hinweis: Print on Demand. Lieferbar in 2 Tagen.
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Little Mr Jaromir lives on the sixth floor. Each time he gets into the lift, he jumps as high as he can and presses a button. He usually reaches the fourth floor and walks up the last two flights. Mr Jaromir is a child of fortune. He blows the biggest bubbles, he wins a raffle, and has many adventures. He meets up with a trolley thief in a supermarket, and for three days he is trapped in the lift, where he decides to plant tomatoes - a special variety needing little sunlight. A charming, clever and original story, much praised by the press and awarded several prizes.


Verlag Verlag Razamba
Ersterscheinung Juli 2015
Maße 20.5 cm x 13.5 cm
Gewicht 135 Gramm
Format Buch
ISBN-13 9783941725348
Seiten 108