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LASER 2006

Hardcover - 9783540711124
160,49 €
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Softcover - 9783642090202
160,49 €

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Weitere Formate

Softcover - 9783642090202
160,49 €


This volume contains papers presented at the 6th International Workshop on Application of Lasers in Atomic Nuclei Research, LASER 2006, held in Poznan, Poland, May 29-June 01, 2006. Researchers and PhD students interested in recent results in the nuclear structure investigation by laser spectroscopy, the progress of the experimental technique and the future developments in the field will find this volume indispensable.

Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Application of Lasers in Atomic Nuclei Research "Nuclear Ground and Isometric State Properties" (LASER 2006) held in Poznan, Poland, May 29-June 01, 2006

Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Application of Lasers in Atomic Nuclei Research "Nuclear Ground and Isometric State Properties" (LASER 2006) held in Poznan, Poland, May 29-June 01, 2006


Verlag Springer Berlin
Ersterscheinung Mai 2007
Maße 23.5 cm x 15.5 cm
Gewicht 582 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9783540711124
Auflage 2007
Seiten 262
