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Innovations in the European Economy between the Wars

Innovations in the European Economy between the Wars

Hardcover - 9783110135824
149,95 €
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Frontmatter -- Contents -- List of Contributors -- List of Tables -- List of Figures -- Preface -- Introduction -- ?. The Extension of Technical Systems -- Introduction -- Innovation and Radio Industry in Europe during the Interwar Period -- From Small Insulated Plants to Regional Networks: The Path of Growth of the Italian Electrical Industry from its Beginning to the 1930s -- The German Long Distance Telephone Network as a Large Technical System, 1919–1939, and its Spin-offs for the Integration of Europe -- II. The Transfer of Technology and its Diffusion -- Introduction -- Spin-off from British and German Aircraft Technology after the Great War -- Technology and Chocolate: Research in the British Food Industry before 1940 -- III. The Structure of Enterprise and Innovation -- Introduction -- Innovation and the Structure of the IG Farben -- Strategies of Growth and Innovation in the Decentralized Du Pont Company, 1921–1950 -- Strategy, Technological Capability, and Innovation: German Enterprises in Comparative Perspective -- IV. The Formation and Development of Industrial Research and Technology -- Introduction -- The Choice between Competition and Cooperation: Research and Development in the Electrical Industry in Germany and the Netherlands, 1920–1936 -- Science and Industry. Modernisation Strategies in Norway 1900–1940 -- The Evolution of European Industrial Technology in the Interwar Period -- Summary -- Index


Verlag De Gruyter
Ersterscheinung März 1995
Maße 23 cm x 15.5 cm
Gewicht 595 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9783110135824
Auflage Reprint 2011
Seiten 330