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Industrial Economy: FDI as a determinant of national strategies

Industrial Economy: FDI as a determinant of national strategies

von Khadija El Issaoui
Softcover - 9786204755175
60,90 €
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This educational book proposes to define national industrial strategies specific to foreign direct investment. The book addresses the following questions: What is FDI? What are the forms of FDI? How can FDI be empirically assessed? How could an investment promotion agency influence the location decision of foreign investors? How will taxation affect the attractiveness of an economy for FDI? To what extent do the complexity and length of a country's administrative apparatus represent a disincentive to FDI inflows? Finally, through the analysis of the effect of export processing zones (EPZs), we will derive the characteristics of this industrial strategy. The focus will be on the strategies pursued by MNFs in EPZs as well as the determining factors that make an EPZ attractive.


Verlag Our Knowledge Publishing
Ersterscheinung Mai 2022
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 0.5 cm
Gewicht 131 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9786204755175
Seiten 76