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Household Waste Disposal

Household Waste Disposal

von Jharna Patel und Kalpana Srivastava
Softcover - 9783659908101
49,90 €
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Rapid technology has increased urbanization that has widen the population and improved the standard of living. Due to this the disposal of increased waste has also become a blistering issue. Waste disposal is a major threat to environment of developing countries since most of the household waste generated ends up directly in open dumpy. The wastes have to be disposed off in such a manner so that environment remains healthy to live in. The study was done to compare the household waste disposal practices by the housewives of low income group of Anand and Vidyanagar,Gujarat. Chi-square tests were done to see the significant difference between dependent and independent variables. Paired¿t¿ test was carried out to check difference in awareness regarding appropriate waste disposal practices of respondents. Household waste management is one of the vital issues in the present scenario and despite of numerous efforts it is still a major concern for the community as well as for the government. This book would be helpful to the researchers, professionals, environmentalist and all those people who are conducting studies related to household waste.

Household Waste Disposal Practices among Low Income Group Women in Anand and Vallabh Vidyanagar


Verlag LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Ersterscheinung Juli 2016
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 0.6 cm
Gewicht 161 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9783659908101
Seiten 96
