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Features of the Domenico Fontana¿s Water Conduit (the Canal of Count Sarno) and the Date of Pompeii Destruction

Features of the Domenico Fontana¿s Water Conduit (the Canal of Count Sarno) and the Date of Pompeii Destruction

von Andreas Tschurilow
Softcover - 9783640512270
15,95 €
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Scientific Study from the year 2009 in the subject History - Basics, , language: English, abstract: It is considered that Pompeii was destroyed in the first century and, being buried under a layer of volcanic ash and pumice-stone, it remained forgotten for more than 1500 years until in 1592 the architect Domenico Fontana, during the construction of a canal to bring water to Torre Annunziata, found in an underground passageway several inscriptions on marble plates indicating the location of an ancient city. In this paper we present arguments in favor of another hypothesis: that Pompeii came to the end of its existence after the completion of the canal which was constructed in ruined city, however, still not fully covered by the volcanic ashes. The paper brings up for discussion some results of the author¿s study partially popularized on the Internet and presents his opinion that the famous Pompeii, being excavated by the archeologists in the last 200 years, in fact finally disappeared off the face of the earth as a result of the eruption of Vesuvius in 1631.


Verlag GRIN Verlag
Ersterscheinung Januar 2010
Maße 21 cm x 14.8 cm x 0.2 cm
Gewicht 45 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9783640512270
Auflage 3. Auflage
Seiten 20
