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Enforcement of Hudud Punishments in the Age of Occultation

Enforcement of Hudud Punishments in the Age of Occultation

von Majid Akbari Noudehi
Softcover - 9786204200361
61,90 €
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The position of judge belongs to a just jurist. This is one of the necessities of jurisprudence, and there is no contradiction in it. Now it must be seen whether the jurist has the requirements to judge. The jurist here means "just", not every jurist. The jurist is naturally knowledgeable about judgment because the jurist refers to someone who is not only knowledgeable about the laws and judicial procedure, but also knowledgeable about beliefs, laws, regulations, and ethics. It means to be a theologian in every sense of the word. When a jurist is also just, he has two requirements. According to Imam Ali (AS), these requirements (judgment) do not apply to anyone other than the Prophet or his successor. Since the jurists are not prophets, they are his successors. Therefore, the unknown can be deduced from the known that the jurist is the successor of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). He is the Imam of the Muslims and the head of the nation in the Age of Occultation and must be a judge. No one has the right to judge except him."


Verlag LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Ersterscheinung August 2021
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 0.8 cm
Gewicht 215 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9786204200361
Seiten 132
