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Diachronic Studies in Romance Linguistics

Diachronic Studies in Romance Linguistics

Hardcover - 9789027934734
109,95 €
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Frontmatter -- Abstracts -- A New Look at Linguistic Split in Romance / AGARD, FREDERICK B. -- Fossilization in French Syntax / CASAGRANDE, JEAN -- Latin Origin of Romance Rules / FOLEY, JAMES -- Tracing the Source of a Lexical Gap / GREEN, GEORGIA M. -- Syntactico-Semantic Reconstruction in Romance / GULSTAD, DANIEL E. -- Diphthongization, Monophthongization, Metaphony Revisited / HARRIS, JAMES W. -- The Etymologist as a Transformationalist / KAHANE, HENRY -- Latin Vocalic Quantity to Quality: A Pseudo-Problem? / KLAUSENBURGER, JURGEN -- Contextual Change and Historical Change: The Translator as Time Machine / LAKOFF, ROBIN -- The Situational Motivation of Syntax and the Syntactic Motivation of Polysemy and Semantic Change: Spanish-Italian Bravo, etc. / MAHER, J. PETER -- The Development of the Clitics in Hispano-Romance / OTERO, CARLOS -- Semantic Change or Lexical Change? / POSNER, REBECCA -- Some Diachronic Deletion Processes and Their Synchronic Consequences in French / SCHANE, SANFORD A. -- The Verbal System of French / SKOUSEN, ROYAL -- Hýsteron Próteron and the Structure of Discourse / VALESIO, PAOLO -- That Erudite Enigma Revisited / WILLIS, BRUCE

Papers presented at a Conference on Diachronic Romance Linguistics, University of Illinois, April 1972


Verlag de Gruyter Mouton
Ersterscheinung Januar 1975
Maße 28 cm x 21 cm
Gewicht 961 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9789027934734
Seiten 244