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China and Japan in geopolitical and geostrategical games

China and Japan in geopolitical and geostrategical games

von Florentina Stefania Neagu
Softcover - 9786202074001
35,90 €
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Today, we are at a time when the geopolitical scene of the world is disputing the supremacy and the interests of many states, some of them being the great winners of the Second World War, others not. Immediately after the war, the states underwent a vast process of rehabilitation and engagement in a race to regain a regional or international power status, such as China and Japan, with a clear competition. Between the two there is a multitude of similarities and differences, evidenced by the demographic, territorial, historical characteristics, including their strengths, being on the one hand two regional powers and the other two world powers. The present book is based on the collection and analysis of statistical data on the two countries, as well as a qualitative component focused on the analysis of variables such as geographical location, history, language, culture, economy.


Verlag LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Ersterscheinung Dezember 2017
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 0.4 cm
Gewicht 102 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9786202074001
Seiten 56
