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An analysis of the factors responsible for the alienation of genderqueers in West Punjab Pakistan

An analysis of the factors responsible for the alienation of genderqueers in West Punjab Pakistan

von Ahmed Hassan, Hamza Bhatty, Harris Ahmed, Haseeb Tariq, Hashim Nawaz und Saad Hassan
Softcover - 9783668327672
17,95 €
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Research Paper (postgraduate) from the year 2016 in the subject Sociology - Relationships and Family, grade: A-, , language: English, abstract: This research paper focusses on the deteriorating condition of genderqueers, mainly transgenders, in West Punjab of Pakistan and whether the society is responsible or they themselves dont want to change their way of living.

The sample consisted of a 100 plus people who are living in major and small cities of West Punjab of Pakistan and are withing an age range from 15-55 years. A detailed questionnaire based interview method is used for this paper. The questionnaire was divided into four parts: a) Demographic and basic information b) personal beliefs; c) problems faced and d) relevant solutions to the problems. Interviews were also conducted from experts in this field. The main purpose was that presently they are engaged in professions that are not honorable and to know about whether they themselves choose or are not accepted by the society. Positive aspect is that there is a high tendency of willingness to change their way of living and also support from the society and genderqueers is required to work on the solution of the problem.


Verlag GRIN Verlag
Ersterscheinung November 2016
Maße 21 cm x 14.8 cm x 0.4 cm
Gewicht 79 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9783668327672
Auflage 1. Auflage
Seiten 44