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A Tall Order. Writing the Social History of the Ancient World

A Tall Order. Writing the Social History of the Ancient World

Hardcover - 9783598778285
139,95 €
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This volume commemorates the 65th birthday of William Vernon Harris (on September 13, 2003), when a group of his former students agreed to honor him with a collection of essays that would represent the wide variety of interests and influences of our advisor and friend. The fifteen papers in fact range chronologically from the first Olympics to late antiquity and discuss various questions of imperialism, law, economy, and religion in the ancient Mediterranean world. The essays share a social historical perspective from which they challenge as many commonly accepted notions in ancient history. The contributors acknowledge their intellectual debt to the formative scholarly acumen of William V. Harris, which adds up to the "tall order" of engaging with his work.

Essays in honor of William V. Harris


Verlag De Gruyter
Ersterscheinung November 2005
Maße 23 cm x 15.5 cm
Gewicht 749 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9783598778285
Auflage 1st ed.
Seiten 379