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A Little Question in Ladies' Rights (Esprios Classics)

A Little Question in Ladies' Rights (Esprios Classics)

von Parker Fillmore
Softcover - 9780464568186
22,00 €
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  • Hinweis: Print on Demand. Lieferbar in 6 Tagen.
  • Lieferzeit nach Versand: ca. 1-2 Tage
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MARGERY was sitting under the cherry tree with a certain air of expectancy. She seemed to be waiting for something or some one. Willie Jones's head popped over the back fence and Willie Jones himself, a tin pail in one hand, dropped into the Blair yard and made for the cherry tree. But Margery still gazed earnestly, tensely, into nothing. Willie Jones, evidently, was not the object of her thoughts.

Illustrated by Rose Cecil O'Neill


Verlag Blurb
Ersterscheinung November 2019
Maße 22.9 cm x 15.2 cm x 0.3 cm
Gewicht 89 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9780464568186
Seiten 50